
Method Launch

Launches any AUT on PC or open a URL on a Mobile Device (to launch apps on mobile device other than a browser, use LaunchMobileApp method)


Function Launch( 
    String ApplicationExecutableName,
    String Arguments [Optional],
    Boolean CloseAppBeforeOpening [Optional],
    Boolean AlwaysSuccess [Optional]



Type: String

Path to the application or browser name (i.e. "chrome", "ios", "ios safari", "iphone", "android chrome")

To launch specific device by ID use: "id XXXXX [Optional AppID]". Default app ID is ZAP Browser ("zap"). Examples:

  • "id XXXXXX", "www.zaptest.com"
  • "id XXXXXX com.zaptest.demo"
  • "id XXXXXX chrome", "www.zaptest.com"
Arguments (optional)

Type: String

Default value: Empty String

Application arguments (i.e. "www.zaptest.com")

CloseAppBeforeOpening (optional)

Type: Boolean

Default value: False

Closes all opened application instances before running this step

AlwaysSuccess (optional)

Type: Boolean

Default value: False

Ignores failed execution status


No return value



'To launch browser on your computer just set browser name and start URL
Application("Demo").Launch "chrome", "www.zaptest.com"
'If script executes on different platforms you can set all platforms and browsers in Datatable and launch different applications on each iteration
Application("Demo").Launch Datatable.Value("Browser"), "www.zaptest.com"
'To close application instances before opening set CloseAppBeforeOpening optional parameter to true
Application("Demo").Launch Datatable.Value("Browser"), "www.zaptest.com", true
'Set AlwaysSuccess optional parameter to true if you need to ignore failed execution status
Application("Demo").Launch Datatable.Value("Browser"), "www.zaptest.com", true, true


// To launch browser on your computer just set browser name and start URL
Application("Demo").Launch("chrome", "www.zaptest.com");
// If script executes on different platforms you can set all platforms and browsers in Datatable and launch different applications on each iteration
Application("Demo").Launch(Datatable.Value("Browser"), "www.zaptest.com");
// To close application instances before opening set CloseAppBeforeOpening optional parameter to true
Application("Demo").Launch(Datatable.Value("Browser"), "www.zaptest.com", true);
// Set AlwaysSuccess optional parameter to true if you need to ignore failed execution status
Application("Demo").Launch(Datatable.Value("Browser"), "www.zaptest.com", true, true);

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